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Direct & Temporary Placements

We have expertly placed more than 14,000 candidates with a 93% success rate

We have a deep, nationwide pipeline of qualified candidates and understand the importance of hiring skilled and dedicated professionals who can provide exceptional customer service experiences.

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Our proven process demonstrates results.

Our experience, deep network and technology-driven candidate sourcing ensures that you will have access to the best candidates before your competition.

Our candidates have been screened for the ability to handle high call volumes, possess great technical skills, enjoy multitasking and who are reliable and consistent.

Communication skills

Successful call center employees must have excellent communication skills, including the ability to listen actively, speak clearly and concisely, and convey empathy to customers. We ensure our candidates are able to adapt their communication style to the needs of the customer and maintain a professional and positive attitude even in challenging situations.

Problem-solving skills

Contact center professionals must be able to think on their feet and solve problems quickly and effectively. Our recruiting team screens candidates for strong analytical skills and ability to gather pertinentint formation, assess situations, and provide appropriate solutions to customers.

Technical proficiency

Our team gets to the root of the technical requirements of your business to obtain a strong understanding of your company’s CRM system, call routing software, and other tools used to manage customer interactions.

Positive attitude

A positive attitude, high enthusiasm, and up-beat energy are the attributes we look to fill your pipeline with. We understand that your team needs to be made up of employees who are able to handle high-stress situations and remain calm and collected — even when dealing with difficult and unpleasant customers.


A collaborative team player is top of mind when we source for call and contact center agents. We look for candidates who are willing to share their knowledge and expertise with their colleagues. Candidates must be able to work independently and also support their team members to achieve their goals. Our recruiting team assesses a candidates openness to feedback and willingness to learn and grow from their experiences.

High Volume Call and Contact Center Clients

Boutique Recruiting

5-Star Reviews from Our Clients